A quick update to slow down

Hello everyone!

Sanctuaries is a relatively fast paced tower-defense, thanks to its never-ending waves of tireless foes. Analyzing the incoming threats, strategizing, putting down your traps, managing your heroes... there is a lot going on! While it becomes easier over time once you become familiar with the mechanics, it can be tough especially for newcomers.

Following your feedback about the pace of the game, we're taking the first step to somewhat slowdown and give you more time to adapt to the situation: introducing slow motion in building-mode.

Simple: Select a trap will now slow down time by 50% while you decide where to build it
Optional: Since this feature is primarily aimed at new players, you can disable it at any time in the settings

We'll be watching out for your comments! Also, if you like the game, please don't hesitate to rate us. That helps us a lot!

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